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Demonic Activity
Levels of Demonic Attachments How to Tell if You Have a Demonic Attachment A demonic attachment is simply a place in your thought life...
Your Soul
If we go back to the Book of Genesis, we can see God’s original intention and plan for mankind through His created beings, Adam and Eve,...
Returning Attacks
Any discussion about returning attacks must begin with understanding Jesus and how He sets us free from sin. Paul describes this when...
Are They True Gifts of the Spirit?
The Bible tells us to earnestly desire the gifts of the Spirit, but especially, the gift of prophecy. Learning more about the gifts and...
Cursed Objects
And God did unusual and extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, so that handkerchiefs or towels or aprons which had touched his skin...
There is a principality known as Jezebel. When we discuss Jezebel in this class, we are referring to the type or class of spirits...
Puffed-Up Soul
Narrow is the path that leads to life… (Matthew 7:14) The word “life” is from the Greek word zoe, which means not only “an active and...
God's Anointed
“Hindsight is 20/20” is a saying that means when looking at the past, everything is clearly seen. We can apply this saying when the Holy...
You crushed the heads of Leviathan; You gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness. You split open springs and brooks; You...
Traps When Praying: New and old Wineskin: Formula & Witchcraft Prayers
Every great revelation of power and authority from God undergoes the same process: Discovery : That is the moment of an initial...
Pleading the Blood, Binding, & Bloodlines
Is there a right and a wrong way to “plead the blood”? If we do it wrong, can it bring trouble upon us? The phrase “plead the blood of...
Commanding Angels and Heavenly Hosts
The Book of Revelation shows us that we must be careful how we deal with angels. John was shown wondrous things when the Lord called,...
Principalities & the Spiritual Armor
Our Authority in Heaven I knew a man in Christ fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I...
Our Authority
Are there limits to man’s authority on this Earth? Are there consequences if we step outside our authority? Perhaps the question to begin...
Is this the Holy Spirit
One day I received a disturbing message from a student at the church. She said, “I asked the Holy Spirit if everything was going to go my...
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