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Preparing for Intercession

Removing Hindrances

There are two main things that may interfere with our prayers for others:

  • Our own sin.

  • Not honoring a husband and wife.

Our sin won’t send us to Hell. Jesus paid the price for the curse of the law to be removed allowing us to have a relationship with God, our Heavenly Father. By taking Jesus as your Lord, you are coming into the right relationship with God and you should be working to remove sin from your life.

If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14 AKJV)

God hearing and responding to our prayers is contingent on our seeking Him and turning from our sin. The New Testament confirms this; we must be doing His will, then our prayers will be answered.

Now we know that God hears not sinners: but if any man be a worshiper of God, and does His will, him He hears. (John 9:31 AKJV)

In addition, husbands must consider the following:

Likewise, you husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered. (1 Peter 3:7 AKJV)

This was revolutionary at the time it was written. Men dominated the world and in most countries, women were considered little more than property. In Israel, women and a few more rights, they were even prophets and judges (More about this in The Narrow Path class: Can Women Lead) This statement confirms other scriptures that in spiritual matters there is no male or female, no slave or free nor black or white person. Though women may be physically weaker (weaker vessels), in the spirit we are the same.

The husband is still the leader within the household, both secularly and spiritually. As with all those in leadership positions, there are greater consequences if he is not following God’s ways. A husband's prayers can be hindered if he doesn’t honor his wife as being an equal before God. He must see her calling, gifts, and relationship to God as equally important and relevant as his. This is different from “loving your wife as Christ loved the church.” The church is the bride of Christ so it is about our relationship with each other, not our spiritual relationship to God.

It is easy to take care of this or any other sin. Jesus has revealed how we can appropriate the grace and mercy that He paid for so that we are not hindered. Our own sin can sometimes cause us to respond in ways that may hinder God’s work, especially for those closest to us because we are around them more often. Learning and implementing God’s ways can resolve many of the issues that allow Satan to interfere with our loved ones through us. We have a Counselor and a Guide to help us: on a daily basis, asking the Holy Spirit to tell us what to say and what not to say can be very helpful.

Prayers that Get Answered

Our prayers should be uplifting at all times, in addition to the confession of sin and our forgiveness of that sin. We should be reaffirming God’s goodness and ability to do what we ask. We should not be stating the following:

  1. The stubbornness of the person we are praying for.

  2. An inability to hear or receive from God.

  3. Any trait that is not according to God’s will for them.

We want to come into agreement with God who can do all things. We don’t want to come into agreement with the enemy to hinder them.

In future prayers, if they are Christians, thank God as a demonstration of your faith after asking for them to be placed before the Throne of Grace. When I wanted to place someone before the Throne of Grace who had already been prayed for and placed there, the Lord corrected me. We must have faith that God’s mercy is in play, otherwise, we are operating in doubt and unbelief.


Intercession is hearing from the Holy Spirit and speaking what you hear from Him. His guidance may come in many forms:

  • A gentle, yet persistent nudge

  • A knowing what to say

  • Visions

  • Words coming to our mind

True intercession can only be done with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some of the courses at this church may reveal many reasons why our ability to hear from the Holy Spirit is hindered. We hope you will continue to apply those principles as you walk with the Lord.

Calling as an Intercessor

Likewise, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26 ESV)
Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18 ESV)

An intercessor is a mature Christian who understands the Word and is eager to look up scriptures for guidance when the Holy Spirit places someone on their heart. They never pray of their own will. Oftentimes they spend time listening to the Holy Spirit and praying in their Heavenly language before they even realize what God wants them to pray.

  • An Intercessor loves spending time alone in prayer.

  • Three hours of prayer may feel like 20 minutes because they are in a submissive position at the feet of Jesus.

You know if you are called as an intercessor because the Lord very often will put people’s faces right in your mind or bring them into your presence so that you will pray for them. You will not feel peace until you have prayed through what the Holy Spirit is asking of you.

It is very similar to when a prophet receives a prophecy and can’t relax until they give the word. Similarly, an intercessor must pray without ceasing until they feel the release from the Holy Spirit that it is finished! They will know when they have completed their mediation in prayer and hit the bull’s eye because they will feel God’s peace in the situation and will wait for it to manifest on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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