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God's Way Prophecy

It was because you, the Levites, did not bring it up the first time that the Lord our God broke out in anger against us. We did not inquire of him about how to do it in the prescribed way. (1 Chronicles 15:13 AMPC)

Israel’s desire was to have the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. However, when they went to retrieve it, they placed it on a cart instead of having the Levites carry it on poles. They didn’t worship Him in the way He had shown them and because of that, one man died as the Lord “broke out” against them. The Lord is getting ready to “break out” once more.

The Lord sent a dream showing the coastline of San Francisco. As I hovered over the waters waves began crashing over the land. Thus saith the Lord:

  1. “You need to turn your back on churches under the influence of Jezebel”

  2. “The waves south of San Francisco will break over the barriers in August, 2020.”

When the waves break over those barriers, it is a confirming sign. I sought Him and asked why San Francisco?

San means Saint, and the name Francisco means Francis. The city was named after Saint Francis. Jesus appeared to Francis of Assisi in the 13th century and said, “Francis, Francis, go and repair My house which, as you can see, is falling into ruins.” He thought this meant that he needed to repair the church where he was praying. Enthusiastic about the commission, Francis sold some cloth from his father’s store and gave the money to the priest for this purpose. The priest refused to accept the “ill-gotten gains” and Francis’ father took him to court because of the theft of his possessions and as a result, Francis was destitute for many years.

Our Heavenly Father is tired of us selling what belongs to Him. The worship industry is included in this coming judgment from the Courts of Heaven. Churches have been operating according to the ways of the world and now He is sending a correction.

When the waves break over the barriers, this is a sign to confirm that the spirit that is not from Him had infiltrated churches. He expects us to turn our backs on churches that are selling what rightfully belongs to Him unless we want to be caught in the judgment coming from Heaven.

God’s way is to freely give whatever you have received from Him, then when the recipient receives something from God, they can give back to acknowledge Him (Matthew 10:8-10). This keeps the focus on our Father. If a recipient doesn’t receive something of spiritual value, then God is not with us, we have heard wrong and stepped away from the place where He is and our endeavor will fail. When you charge for the things of God, you are saying:

  • I am NOT trusting that I will hear from God and give back to acknowledge Him.

  • I am NOT sure God will provide for my needs, so I am making sure my costs are covered.

  • I am NOT willing to operate in God’s ways and freely give what I have received from God.

Whether you receive wisdom from God through a teaching, a prayer, or anointed worship, what God has freely given to you should never “cost” money. We should never “buy” the things of God. The church has been on a downward spiral for many years because we are selling what should not be sold. It began in small ways as we became focused on recovering the money we had invested into products by charging for:

  • “Anointed” oil

  • Prayer cloths

  • Messages and teachings (in books, videos, or seats in meetings)

  • Worship music

If Christian leaders truly trusted that God had told them to make anointing oil, distribute prayer cloths or create books, they would have done as He has instructed in His Word by giving them away for free. It cost Paul to send out the letters that make up the New Testament, but he did not charge for them. If God tells us to produce books or other items, you must trust that He will supply the money for that production.

There is a necessity to educate the body of Christ so that Christians can realize that once they receive from God through those who have received something, they should give back to acknowledge Him. See how this gives more glory to God and less to man? Unfortunately, most of the church has come so far down the wrong path that they have now begun charging for the most basic necessities: prayer.

The Word tells us that Satan pushed David into “counting” the men of Israel to see how great his army was so he could be reassured of Israel’s strength. This was God’s response:

So Gad came to David and told him and said, “Shall seven years of famine come to your land? Or will you flee three months before your pursuing enemies? Or do you prefer three days of pestilence in your land?” (2 Samuel 24:13 AKJV)

Because David counted on his own strength instead of relying on God’s strength, disaster struck Israel. When we require a “donation” or a “seed” for a product, it is the same as charging. We are “counting on” and trying to stimulate people instead of releasing what God has given us and trusting in Him. Our focus is wrong because we want to make sure we recoup our costs. However, if God really told us to do it, we should have faith that He will provide. God will show up and those who receive will give back in response to finding Him.

Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? (Romans 6:16 AKJV)

Satan was behind David’s action of counting the men of Israel and he is behind charging for the things of God. There may be grace for a while, but when we fail to turn from our wrong actions, then Satan’s influence becomes stronger. This is what has happened in the church and why Jezebel has been able to take control of worship!

ANYTHING we have received from God or that which we expect to be anointed by Him should be freely given. If we expect God to be there, it must be FREE. It costs to produce music, just like books and meetings have an upfront cost. If you are sure God is calling you to create and distribute worship music, it needs to be done according to His ways.

Our time is up. God is saying the consequences are right on the horizon. A wave breaking over the barriers is the sign to look for.


When I received the revelation from God that books with messages from Him or those that are anointed by Him had to be free, I was asked if this applied to music. All I could say was “I haven’t heard anything about worship, but if you expect it to be anointed by Him, it must be free.” Now the Lord has given a definite answer.

But seek not [the golden calf at] Bethel nor enter into [idolatrous] Gilgal, and pass not over to [the idols of] Beersheba; for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity and exile, and Bethel [house of God] shall become Beth-aven [house of vanity, emptiness, falsity, and futility] and come to nothing. (Amos 5:5 AMPC)

Bethel made a golden calf for people to worship because they had separated from Israel. They intended to worship God, but it wasn’t in the way He told them to do it. They did this with what would seem to be very reasonable intentions.

  • They wanted to remain separate and in control of their people.

  • God required His people to worship at His temple where the Ark was in Jerusalem.

  • The leaders wanted to keep people from going to worship at the temple and being influenced by another leader.

Witchcraft is about controlling others. As Christians, we should trust that we are all one family in God and He is in control and will bring us what we need.

  • It began with copyrights on songs.

    • Who are we to claim ownership and control over the words brought to us by the Holy Spirit?

  • This enabled us to sell “worship CDs” because they are “anointed.”

    • Why is someone’s worship anointed, is it their talent or is it God’s Spirit flowing through them that makes it good?

      • Are we not seeking to buy and sell the free gifts of God, His anointing?

The worship industry has now gone the way of the world. Contracts are being used to claim rights to worship singers and groups so that they can be added to their “labels.” Entities in the worship industry retain rights over the music which cannot be used unless you pay a licensing fee. How is this God’s way? What happened to freely you have received, freely give?

The Levites had a praise team who were supported in their living by the temple. (1 Chronicles 16:4) Worship teams and leaders should receive an income from the church where they are ministering so they can be devoted to God’s work. Their music should be freely given and we should give back if we receive from God through their music. Just like David, who had counted the men in Israel, lack of trust in God has caused worship to be commercialized for profit.

The most controlling spirit is Jezebel (that is another class in the Free Courts of Heaven Academy). God has said to turn your back on Jezebel who seeks to control and profit from worship. When the waves break over the barriers south of San Francisco, it is a sign from Him: step away from all churches who are trying to control His anointing and His flow through worship!

True Worship

The mishandling of worship is creating an attitude that is distorting what worship is all about!

A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. (Matthew 12:35 AKJV)

Worship connects our heart with God. Those who are leading an audience to worship must guard their hearts so there is nothing else influencing them. Their focus should be on God and God alone. Mammon may come in when money is involved. When the popularity of a song can influence our income, it can lead us to focusing on what people want to hear instead of singing from our heart to God. We need to get back to the basic truth of praising God:

And you shall seek me, and find me when you shall search for me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13 AKJV)
But if from there you shall seek the LORD your God, you shall find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4:29 AKJV)

Worshiping God involves seeking and focusing on Him because of His goodness. It isn’t about the music or the singer, it is about our hearts! Also, it isn’t about getting to the Secret Place or receiving a miracle, healing, or provision, it is about honoring the One who sent His son: it is about glorifying Jesus. All of these things happen in His presence but seek Him, not the blessings He brings.

The Lord has said that this first correction will be gentle. There should be little to no loss of life. However, should we not turn back to His ways, the signs which follow will be increasingly severe. Remember the warning God has given us:

I then heard another voice from Heaven saying, Come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues. (Revelation 18:4 AMPC)

In the future, be ready to flee when God sends a warning of impending judgment.

Fulfillment of the Prophecy

Israel had hundreds of prophecies about the coming Messiah, yet the majority of God’s people missed it when Jesus appeared as a humble Lamb instead of the conquering Lion of Judah. When a prophecy is given, we should look to the Holy Spirit to see if it fulfilled and how it comes to pass. If we become too focused on our own ideas of how it will come to pass, we may miss what God is doing and wind up on the wrong path!

This prophecy has been fulfilled, but not in the way we thought it would be. The Gulf of Mexico had a historic event in August: two hurricanes were heading into the Gulf at the same time! Because this was not in the immediate San Francisco area in the state of California, I didn’t even look at these events until a few people messaged me about them. Once I began looking at the prophecy with fresh eyes, I was amazed by what God was saying!

This is a very important lesson. When God tells us what will happen, often He doesn’t give specifics. This is why much of Israel didn’t recognize Jesus as the Messiah though there were over a hundred prophecies about Him.

The Book of Revelation has many prophecies about our future. I expect many of them to be fulfilled in this lifetime. We must keep an open mind. They may not come to pass the way we think they will! Let’s look at what God said about the waves and San Francisco:

  • Waves will break over the barriers south of San Francisco in August: a sign of the judgement to come.

There is a San Francisco in the state of Texas: more of a ghost town, really. Here is where Google puts San Francisco, TX - San Francisco, CA - Cameron, LA

Cameron is south of both cities which hold the name San Francisco. Two major storms headed for the gulf of Mexico at the same time. An event like this has never happened in recorded history. Their approach was noted on the first day devout Hebrews began celebrating the Feast of Trumpets: August 21, 2020. Marco and Laura became the 6th and 7th named storms to hit the Continental US. The metaphorical meaning of these facts are:

  • Marco - from Mars: the god of war. Also mas, meaning man. Marco Polo was the man credited with discovering America.

    • 6th storm - six is the number of man, storm is a movement or battle in the spirit

  • Laura - from “laurel” meaning victor or victory.

    • 7th - seven is God’s perfection and completion in the physical

Marco represents leaders of God church: men and women guiding the battle against the enemy. Laura is God’s perfection upon this Earth which will usher in His victory. This is a record-breaking event of the earliest 7th storm in a season in recorded history.

For a while, the forecast cones of Marco and what would become Hurricane Laura crossed, something meteorologists at couldn’t remember happening before.

Marco (man) was hit by a strong wind (the move in the spirit) shortly after reaching full hurricane status, then dwindled and died down to almost nothing before coming to shore on the 24th of August. Many forecasters think it was affected by Laura (God’s plan for victory)! When Marco landed, it brought mostly rain. The Holy Spirit is depicted as Rain upon men…

While Marco weakened, Laura got stronger as it came toward land rising in record-breaking speed to a Category 4 - four is the number of God’s creative works. It came to shore in Cameron, Louisiana on the 27th: three days after Marco. Three is the number of perfection and completion in the Spirit. This created a swath of storm surge affecting Texas as well. Here is what the National Weather Service said about the storm on Twitter:

An “unsurvivable storm surge” was predicted. The surge was not as bad as forecasted. As promised in the message He sent, God mitigated the waves so the loss of life was lessened. Even though this storm has broken many records, the loss of life has not been as high as other hurricanes.

Despite the diminished surge, “Laura goes into the history books as one of the most brutal hurricanes of all time…” reported the Tallahassee Democrat paper. The wind was much greater and stronger than any storm in the last 100 years. According to CNBC news:

  • The ferocious Category 4 monster roared ashore with sustained 150 mph winds at 1 a.m. local time.

  • Hours after landfall, Laura was still a Category 2 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 110 mph.

The wind represents the Holy Spirit. Air is the spirit realm, a strong wind is a strong move in the spirit. 150 is the end of judgment by water, this is why the winds were high and the water wasn’t as bad as foretasted. 110 is a generation and operating in your calling. In other words, God is bringing correction through the spirit to a generation that is operating in its official calling.

This landfall was nearest to Cameron then headed straight toward the city of Lake Charles, remaining at a Category 2 hurricane, causing immense damage.

  • Cameron - crooked nose: nose is discernment

  • Lake - a reservoir in the spirit

  • Charles - meaning man, army and warrior

Laura was “catastrophic” for Lake Charles. There is a ferrous spiritual battle coming toward the army of God who have not used wise discernment about His ways. Many died to trees falling due to the high winds. The top of the 105-year-old South’s Defenders Monument outside of a courthouse in downtown Lake Charles was knocked off its base.

  • Trees - leaders

  • “South’s Defenders” were confederates, rebelling against laws that were passed had been made rich through slavery: didn’t want to free slaves

God’s generals and the fathers of the faith, especially those who have grown rich by rebelling against God’s ways, have not used discernment to turn back from selling what doesn’t belong to them, will be removed from their positions, just as the statue was. Some people may also be damaged by their removal. You need to move far away from the leaders not operating under the principles of Matthew 10:8-10 to avoid being damaged when they fall!

The path of this storm proves this is what God is saying: it traveled right through the Bible Belt of America.

God wants to get the attention of His children: He sent a record-breaking storm right through the area of this nation ascribed to His Word! The body of Christ needs to cinch down the Belt of Truth about who God is and what He expects of us.

Leaders, Teachers and Intercessors

In a previous message the Lord command it be said: Thus sayeth the Lord:

“Those who have perverted My way and given birth to another church, will be removed. Those who are following what they have been taught will have a chance to repent.”

There may be many results as this takes place:

  • the leader of your church may be removed

  • the church that founded your church may fall

  • you may feel a loss or decrease of the anointing in your life

If any of these happen in your life, do not fear. You are still loved by the Lord, He has a special place for you in His heart. Jesus reassured me that He will still be ministering to those receiving correction. There will be dreams at night. He will speak to you at work.

The Lord asked me to create a special “Leaders, Teachers, and Intercessors” course at the Courts of Heaven Academy. This is a “short cut” to the items that bring an attack upon those leading or interceding for others. He would like to see you set free sooner rather than later!

This is not a “shorter version” of the CoH Academy. We knew from the word the Lord brought forth that when the anointing is lost, it takes time and effort for it to be recovered. The remaining classes in the Academy will bring you much more from the Lord. However, as someone leading the charge against the enemy who has come under an attack, we want to see you set free so that you can continue learning.

If you have been in a leadership or intercession position in the body of Christ and are under an attack, please message us at and let us know so that you can have the password to the Leaders, Teachers, Intercessors course!

Higher Levels

The Throne of Grace is a wonderful place to be. The attacks of the enemy are lessoned so that we can grow and learn about God. As you begin to grow in the knowledge of the Courts you may begin to wonder:

  • Are there different levels at the Courts of Heaven?

  • What do we need to do to operate in the Courts with more authority?

Just like court systems across the world, your actions will carry more weight in the Courts in Heaven as you come into higher positions within the army of God. If you have been called to a specific office in the body of Christ, that will be the first thing that determines how much weight your actions carry. For example:

  • A doctor's testimony about a medical condition carries more weight.

  • A prophet is the mouthpiece of God and their words hold more weight than someone who isn’t.

There is great power in the words of anointed people. Think about what the Lord said to Jeremiah:

“Why thus said the LORD God of hosts, Because you speak this word, behold, I will make My words in your mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them.” (Jeremiah 5:14 AKJV)

As a prophet, Jeremiah's words brought consequences. Jesus said our words would move mountains when mixed with faith. How are you using the fire and the power of God in your own life? Now is the time to seek discernment and watch what we are releasing into the lives of others. Ask the Lord for help. He is our source of wisdom, knowledge, and power.

Those who are anointed by God must be even more careful with what they say. Failure to do so will hinder their work in the Courts of Heaven. Even if you are not called to a specific role, such as a pastor, apostle, or teacher, you can still come to operate at a higher place in the Courts.

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them… (Revelation 20:4 KJV)

This verse shows that there are higher places in the Courts. When we look at the original Greek, we find that thronos, translated as a throne, also means the seats of elders. When you grow in the things of God, learning and walking in His ways, the goal is to become an elder: a wise, mature child of God with the fruit of the Spirit. Could you imagine the chaos that would come if immature Christians with no fruit of the Spirit were given authority in the Courts? They would be attacking other Christians instead of the enemy!

  • How do we know if we are on the right road, making progress in the right direction?

  • Is there a way to tell when we go off the road and veer into a ditch instead of walking in His ways?

The Bible tells us:

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes... (Luke 12:48 AKJV)

When we don’t know any better, God mitigates the punishment. This sounds wonderful. If we don’t know what we are doing wrong, the punishment will be light. Let’s place this in the proper perspective by looking at the previous verse:

And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. (Luke 12:47 AKJV)

This is the other side of that coin. When you begin learning God’s ways, as we are commanded to do, we are expected to do what we are learning. Jesus told His followers:

And why call you Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46 AKJV)

If we want our Lord to provide for us and protect us, He expects us to DO what we LEARN. What does it look like when we are before the Throne of Grace and fail to do what we know to do? My daughter, Ashley, has allowed me to share her personal experience as an example:

Ashley began joining me for morning prayers and was shocked to find out that each time she joined me, she began to get a headache. I advised her to seek God as to what sin she had committed that opened the door to such an attack.

A few days later she went to a chess tournament. Before leaving, she asked if I would pray for her, not only for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit but to have fun as well. Ashley lost all but one game, and the one she beat was an eight-year-old child. That evening she sulked, hidden away in her room. When she didn’t appear for several hours, I sought her out.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” I asked, “Are you that upset about losing at the tournament? You know many of those kids have been practicing for years.”

She sighed, “It is more than losing. Christ was trying to teach me something at the tournament and I got a headache, like the ones in the morning. This was stronger and went away right after the tournament.”

I grimaced, “It sounds like the enemy has access to your mind. Has the Holy Spirit shown you where?”

Ashley whispered, “All of this kind of started when I began playing and was really focused on this ‘Cinderella Choose Your Own Adventure’ story. I kept thinking about that game… all the time, even when I wasn’t playing it!”

I didn’t have a lot of guidance from the Holy Spirit right then, I just suggested, “then that is probably what opened the door.”

Later that night I was crocheting a blanket, praying in the Heavenly Language when the Holy Spirit connected all the dots. I went to say goodnight to Ashley and relayed what the Holy Spirit had revealed.

She allowed certain recreational habits like daydreaming and video games to become an idol in her heart through her imagination. When circumstances were against her, she turned to these preoccupations rather than to God for comfort. This created a stronghold in her mind that the enemy was using to keep the Holy Spirit from bringing her wisdom.

The number eight is important: it means judgment and destruction. The Holy Spirit was showing her that if she continued giving the enemy ground in her mind, it would only lead to judgments from the Courts, which would bring destruction and loss into her life.

Our Counselor and Friend made the choice perfectly clear: Ashley could obey what God had already been speaking to her about or receive consequences for her actions. This had to be her choice because she knows it is right according to God’s ways and desires to do it. I cannot make the decision for her.

This is an example of TRUE grace and mercy. Just because the enemy comes against us it doesn’t mean we are not before the Throne of Grace. The attack wasn’t overwhelming, but it did put Ashley on notice that she wasn’t implementing what she learned. If we pay attention when difficulties, sicknesses, or persecutions arise, the Holy Spirit will show us where we have wandered off the road and into the ditch where the enemy is able to affect our lives.

...If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you access [to My presence] and places to walk among these who stand here. (Zechariah 3:7 AMPC)
But he who merely hears and does not practice doing My words is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation, against which the torrent burst, and immediately it collapsed and fell, and the breaking and ruin of that house was great. (Luke 6:49 AMPC)

In order to have authority in the Courts to intercede for others, we need to learn and follow God’s ways. Jesus, Himself, tells us we must practice what we learn or else destruction will come. In the New Testament, God shows us how to achieve this:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14 AKJV)

If we want the full rights of a grown son, we need to learn from our Teacher, the Holy Spirit. With His guidance, we can become mature children of God. By not only learning but DOING what we LEARN, we are able to fully function in the Courts of Heaven.

To move to higher levels where you have increased authority, one of the first things we have seen the Lord address with many people is their words. The higher the level you are operating in, the more damage the enemy can do by using your words against others.

...for the accuser of our brothers is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night... (Revelation 12:10 AKJV)

Satan is the one who brings accusations against God’s people. We do not need to side with him by declaring things against our brothers. This will not only bring backlash, but it may also keep God from moving us to higher levels in the Courts. One of the first things the Holy Spirit will do is to show us how to speak in agreement with the Lord’s will instead of agreeing with what the enemy is doing.

Highest Level in the Courts - Private Counsel

My family took a few days off during a celebration of our Independence Day, the 4th of July. Although I was gone from the ministry, God brought a major revelation about operating in the Courts of Heaven. Here is how the Lord made this revelation perfectly clear to me:

My niece, let’s call her Marie, and I lay on the bed, talking quietly before we slept. “Do you have earbuds?” I asked. She nodded, “You may want to use them...” I began telling of certain actions that used to cause strife between Tony and me.

Marie commiserated with me about being kept awake when we were expected to rise early the next day, then we settled down for the night.

I woke up with allergy symptoms. With very little privacy and much to do, I didn’t have time to go to the Courts in prayer and see what was up, so I used some over-the-counter help (meds) to make it through the day. I figured I would deal with whatever it was that let the enemy in later.

Things only got worse. On the 4th of July, my stomach started feeling weird. By evening I was running to the bathroom. I missed the fireworks and had to remain downstairs close to the toilet. With Tony’s family in the living room with me, I couldn’t even go to the Courts! When I was finally able to get to bed, I was exhausted!

The next morning things were a little better. Best of all, I had some time to be alone in my room to pray. As I entered the Courts the Lord said very firmly, “Private Counsel.” The Judge said granted and I saw myself escorted from Courts, followed by a very large contingency of angelic hosts who flew down and walked beside us.

This counsel room had an impossibly high shelf of books on the left side of the room with a big wooden desk thirty feet long towards the back of the room. Off to the right was a fireplace with oversized leather furniture. The fire didn’t consume the wood and I knew it was the fire of God that Moses saw.

The Lord escorted me to the fire and pointed at the chair, “Sit, rest,” He commanded. An angel brought a cushion for my feet and a glass with light brown liquid in it. Standing over me the Lord said, “You are not resting on what you know. I am contending for you. The Holy Spirit is your Counselor. He will tell you what you need to do, outside the Courts.”

I realized that when we are not before the Judge, we can receive “private counsel” if we ask to be sheltered in God. The Holy Spirit is always in the Courts and He will advise us. Jesus is so good. He was bringing me a vision to vividly describe exactly what happens when we seek our Counselor and what He expects of me. “Thank you,” I told Him then quickly excused myself to do as He commanded.

But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children. (Isaiah 49:25 AKJV)

The Lord contends for us, even when we are not present. He can use our words as testimony! Lying in bed, I said, “Holy Spirit, you are my Counselor, Teacher, and Guide. You know what I need to do. Why am I the only one plagued by sickness when I should be the one free of such things?”

Instantly I remembered the conversation with my niece. I knew my words were being used against me in the Courts to say I hadn’t forgiven my host and that I was walking outside of the love of God because of this Bible verse coming to mind:

But I say to you, “That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” (Matthew 12:36 AKJV)

I have a place as a leader in the body of Christ. My recounting of past wrongs had opened the door. Out loud, I confessed that I had spoken ill of my host. I announced that I forgave all involved with this issue.

A picture appeared in my mind: Jesus was on the cross and blood streamed from His hands. I instantly knew what the Holy Spirit wanted me to say, “Jesus, I thank you that Your blood blots out these sins…”

More pictures appeared: each one showed me what to say and declare next. I only declared what the Holy Spirit told me to say. Within ten minutes I felt fine and was ready to go to dinner with the family.

At the local pizza parlor, I started to feel queasy. I excused myself, and alone in the toilet, I prayed in the heavenly language. The healing scriptures I pray on certain mornings came to mind and I thanked God for all that He had provided by stating those scriptures. All symptoms disappeared and I felt fine once again as I rejoined the family.

A couple of lessons to note:

  • Words said can be used as proof that we are unforgiving.

  • Don’t do anything but thank God for His Word unless the Holy Spirit says otherwise.

  • The enemy may test your faith in what has been done.

  • Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

  • Quoting God’s good promises may be necessary to overcome this—not declaring and decreeing, but thanking God for who He is, our Healer.

Because of this attack, the Lord revealed the highest place of authority in the Courts. If you know about the Courts you should begin to rest in what you know:

  • Jesus is contending for you as your Advocate. (Isaiah 49:25)

  • The Holy Spirit is your Earthly Advocate, your Counselor. (John 14:16)

  • Your Counselor will tell you what sins you need to confess in order to be free. (James 5:16, 1 John 1:9-10)

Once you learn to hear from the Holy Spirit, then KNOW that you are able to hear from your Counselor on Earth and He knows what has been done in Heaven. The highest level for any Christian is this: rest in knowing that Jesus is contending for you in the CoH and that we only need to come when He calls, after seeking counsel from the Holy Spirit.

Come to Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 AKJV)
And He said, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14 AKJV)

The Lord wants to remove the burdens from you. It is our sincere desire that all our brothers and sisters in Christ will come to the highest level and learn to see and hear from their Counselor, the Holy Spirit, both inside and outside of the Courts.

Recently, the Lord has revealed that symptoms we experience may, at times, be interpreted with help from the Holy Spirit so that we know what to do. Let me give you an example:

There was a certain week when I experienced nose bleeds three times. The first was while traveling, so I thought, “Perhaps the air is dry by the gas stove.” Then returning home blood began gushing out of my nose for no apparent reason. I shrugged it off, “This could be connected to the one I had yesterday…” The next day I also had a nose bleed and when I lay down to sleep, the right side of my nose was clogged; fierce sinus pressure on that side brought pain under my eye.

I began to pray, asking the Holy Spirit if there was an open door. He told me to look at the symptoms and interpret them:

  • Three bloody noses on the left side

    • nose - discernment

    • blood - that which leads to death

    • left - of the spirit

    • three - completion in the spirit

  • Clogged nose on the right side

    • nose - discernment

    • clogged - not flowing

  • Eye pain

    • eye - seeing

    • pain - damage

As I thought over these items, the Holy Spirit reminded me of another symptom I had been experiencing for over a month. During my weekly exercise, I slightly injured my knee doing lunges. It continued to hurt all this time.

  • Knee pain

    • knee - prayer or submission to God

    • pain - damage

When you put all these symptoms together, a picture is painted that helped to guide me in the right direction. I went back to where the knee pain began: what was I doing? And when did I get the bloody nose? There should be an event connecting these two major points.

I had begun working on the website the week my knee was hurt. The Holy Spirit reminded me that I had said something to the effect that the website work was secular so I didn’t need to focus on the Lord to do it. This was a prideful statement. I launched the website the day I had a bloody nose.

An attack of Leviathan can come in when you have an open door to pride. This is why there were symptoms from several types of attacks. I needed to take time in prayer to fully submit to God by:

  • Confessing that I took matters into my own hands

  • Asking to be forgiven for stepping away from Him

  • Renounce any words I spoke about the matter

  • Accepting the blood of Jesus as payment

    • pleading the blood over the sins

These may sound easy, but there is an additional temptation to pride when mistakes are made. If we begin to think that we have messed up so much that our destiny with God has been ruined, what we are saying is that our mistakes are more powerful than God. The enemy may knock us down, but faith is what picks us back up and stands us on our feet. Through God, we can do all things!

If you would like help understanding your dream, you may schedule an Intercession appointment with Lynn Hardy at the Online Christian Church:

1. Contact Administration for the password to schedule:

2. Click on FREE Tutoring on the website menu at

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